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Fiction Writing, Marketing & Publishing: Part Two

Dates: March 25 - April 1, 2025

Meets: Tu and Th from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Registration Fee: $37.00

Building on our first class, this course dives deeper into writing novels and short stories, with added guidance on getting published and marketing your work. Through writing exercises, group critiques, and discussions, you'll sharpen your storytelling skills and uncover the stories you’re meant to tell. We'll cover the "how-to" of manuscript submissions and marketing strategies, so by the end, you’ll have a polished manuscript and a clear path from writing to reaching your readers in today’s literary world. (Enrollment in the first class is not required to participate in Part Two. The instructor will provide a concise overview of the first session to ensure a seamless transition into part two.)


Please bring supplies for notetaking. AGES 65+ ARE ELIGIBLE FOR FREE CLASSES - PLEASE CALL TO REGISTER (859-622-1228)
Fee: $37.00

Kathy Stringfield

Date Day Time Location
03/25/2025Tuesday6 PM to 8 PM Perkins Building 211
03/27/2025Thursday6 PM to 8 PM Perkins Building 211
04/01/2025Tuesday6 PM to 8 PM Perkins Building 211


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